The evidence that share repurchases and seasoned equity offers (SEOs) contain value-relevant information is extensive in the corporate finance literature. In addition, we also know that insider trading is informative about future firm value. What is less clear is how trading by firms’ insiders prior to corporate events interacts with firms’ actions and whether this interaction contains additional value-relevant information. In our paper, What Do Insiders Know? Evidence from Insider Trading Around Share Repurchases and SEOs, which was recently made publicly available on SSRN, we examine the information contained in insider trades prior to open market share repurchases and seasoned equity offerings using a comprehensive sample of over 4,300 repurchase and nearly 1,800 SEO announcements.
Posted by Peter Cziraki, University of Toronto, on Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Editor's Note: Peter Cziraki is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. This post is based on an article authored by Professor Cziraki; Evgeny Lyandres, Associate Professor of Finance at Boston University; and Roni Michaely, Professor of Finance at Cornell University.